About Our Hassle Free Loyalty Rewards
Our Hassle Free Loyalty Program is designed to reward our best customers. On each qualifying purchase you make, you will receive two points for every dollar you spend. For every 500 points you receive, you will be awarded a $5 credit towards a future purchase in our store. Credits are redeemable upon checkout at the register.
How It Works
Sign-up with a short form to begin earning Hassle Free Loyalty Points. You will receive your new Hassle Free Loyalty Card, to begin immediately accruing points. Be sure to use your card or give your cashier your last name so each of your purchases receives points. You will receive an initial opt-in email. Mountain Valley Foods will send you an email when you have a $5 Hassle Free Loyalty Reward to use towards your purchases.

Membership is FREE!
- $1 spent = 2 Points
- 500 points = $5 reward
The more you buy, the more you earn!
It’s our way of saying a big thank you for being a Mountain Valley Foods customer!